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Chris B.
Chris B.Borning Industries, LLC ( Litchfield, Minnesota, USA )
Loving the new table! This is my 5th plasma table since 2013. I’ve had the following tables:

- 4x4 Torchmate from Lincoln Electric

- 4x4 Tracker Nitro

- 6x12 StarLab

- 4x8 WrightCNC

I really like the optimum software and the ability to bounce back and forth between cad / cam and basic nesting. 3/16 Aluminum right off the table.

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Call Borning Industries & place your custom fab order today! 507-828-1233
Tommy R.
Tommy R.RPC Mini Bikes ( San Antonio, Texas, USA )
2 days owning this new optimum 5 and I’m super impressed!

These guys build a solid machine!!

This optimum is built like a tank! They don’t take to much dialing in to get them cutting right. This table was also super easy to understand.

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Lynn C.
Lynn C.( Wanette, Oklahoma, USA )
I love my STV machines. Both of them.
Thomas C.
Thomas C.Maniac Metal Fab ( Purcell, Oklahoma, USA )
I’m running it and I’m not impressed yet. They need to make it so you can change rule sets like corner speeds. Hole speeds besides only being able to change the initial cut speed. I’ll be going back to using sheetcam to do my g-codes until they make some changes. Once they do that I think the new optimum software will be a game changer. I really like 99% of the features. But you need to have more control over cut speeds. Thin material so far it seems to do ok but coming from running another table for 10 years there’s some challenges that need addressing. I’m going to check on updates tomorrow and see if they got the changes fixed I have been talking to them about.

The pro table I have the build is very solid and smooth. Has no shaking even at 600ipm. Cuts smooth at 375ipm fastest I’ve cut so far Optimum is coming along faster by the week now there is enough people that have it and putting input on this page and the optimum page. There are some factory adjustments that need to be addressed before you start running it. But again that’s getting better with the updates. If you’re just doing sheet metal the factory cut settings are pretty good. Getting into thicker production parts I use sheetcam because I can do more fine tuning on the quality I want. I’ve been using mach3 and sheetcam for 10 years. The mane issue I have is the torch height settings. The initial arc signal height was to low and kept trashing tips on first pierce. I made it the same as pierce height and fixed that issue. The program is fairly easy to learn and has some really good features like a-b cut. Homing. Parking programmable. After getting the correct thc settings the thc works good. The knob on the front of the black box apparently is a sensitivity dial that you can change the ohmic sensitivity. So all in all after some adjustments and software updates it’s slowly becoming a very good table. If you have any questions message me or post on the optimum owners page. It’s a lot easier there to get feedback than this page because this page also includes myplasm users.

Click here to visit Maniac Metal Fab
James C.
James C.( Eubank, Kentucky, USA )
Love my big ole 6x12 Optimum.

Learning more and more everyday.

Click here to visit Custom CNC Plasma work
Rob G.
Rob G.Gogo Light Fab & CNC Plasma ( Morris, Illinois, USA )
I got my table upgrade to the latest software, little more than pressing a button on the version I had. Regardless, its done and i think an improvement, like the auto align, the center start has some very cool possibilities, they have made changes to some of the defaults that are a bit obscure that should make things better with height management as well. One thing I discovered this morning was that Arc Speed needs to be turned off if you are using sheetcam to set your cut speeds. I understand why it happens, since it does not do it in G-code, it does it at the machine level and slows down what ever speed at which it is running. So if you have it activated, it will double slow down at those places. Not a dig, I thought about it and it really is expected behavior but may seem unexpected when it happens, I had to sit back and look at all the settings for a minute. and while we are on the topic of sheetcam, Hyperthem does recommend you check the "reverse cut" box in the settings. It also seems that the support team is much futher up to speed on this. These are all really good steps in the right direction thank you. edit to add, BTW, I have never seen so much dross but those holes were straight.

Final update. the default THC settings were to blame, there was a setting in there that I could not find any info on, PI ratio. Well, in the master config it was set at 100 times more sensitive than it should have been, No matter how much I tried to slow things down on the z axis it wasn't going to fix that turd. They were pretty crappy about passing on the information, so I am still a little bitter about that as i did not find out until at least a couple of months after they identified the problem. 1/4" plate was mostly okay because it is very flat. but as you went down it got worse. But as I stated, they are much more open with info finally. they listened. The Optimum software actually doesn't suck now. it's pretty decent.

Anyway, it is finally cutting very well across all thicknesses. Im finally happy with it and it is acceptable dare I say good. They seem to be changing their ways a bit. they are now also admitting sheetcam exists and a lot of people use it. so overall, the take off was pretty sketchy but I am finally at cruising altitude . I am calling it good finally. If anyone is considering the STV. Go with the Optimum. I am betting the myplasm stuff is going to die a slow death but thats just what I would do. From looking at some of the settings I think there is a lot more they can add to it.

I talked to STV today and I am now on the same software as everyone else. Mine was much more entailed than pressing a button, but not as entailed as hitting reset buttons, I was a few revs down. Glad to finally have the latest and optimistic about the newer forum for Optimum. There are some new features that are cool, In all honesty, I think the software has potential to be very good, I would not complain if I thought it was hopeless. the reason I do is because I know it is capable of much more than I was getting out of it. It is also clear that the STV staff is much more up to speed and familiar with the product than the last time I talked to them. Good to finally have some information flowing, that is what makes us all better at what we do. Thank you all for your assistance, I am off to the Optimum forum where I hope to continue to learn and fine tune for my set up. I have a few sizes perfected now.

The THC speed is the best fix of them all. it corrects a whole host of issues and is a huge improvement. i no longer wish to toss it over a cliff. In conjunction with that make sure your z speeds are about 15% of your normal xy speeds and you will see an increase in consumable life and cut quality.

Update, it's running very well now. they did an update to the software and have a complete manual now so I was able to tune it and very happy with the results now. It was a bumpy road at the start but over all I am now very satisfied with the machine.

Click here to visit Gogo Light Fab & CNC Plasma

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Dale J.
Dale J.Bryan James Band ( Plant City, Florida, USA )
We've had our 6x12 Pro since Christmas 2023 and we've already cut close to a thousand fine looking pieces. It took less than a day for me alone to install, set up and cut my first pieces. We use it mostly for large industrial parts but I made some 14 gauge artistic test panels with beautiful precision cuts to test the capabilities and it is impressive. We cut mild steel, aluminum, stainless steel and AR400. I've had one head crash due to a part flipping up and the magnetic breakaway did its job. On our old machine I would have had to replace or repair the torch body. The software (Optimum upgrade) is incredibly intuitive and easy to use. Nesting is a dream! I've only had to call support for a couple of questions which were quickly and professionally answered. I don't think we could have made a better choice. I love this machine!

Click here to visit the Bryan James Band
HollynDave K.
HollynDave K.
"Have been using optimum on a 4x8 pro table for almost a year. It has worked great. The software is still being developed so there are things continuously being improved. Just updated to the latest software release yesterday and am impressed with all the improvements. I am not real familiar with myplasma, from what I have seen optimum (in my opinion) is better."
John L.
John L.Locks Welding & Fabrication ( Corbin City, New Jersey, USA )
I love this machine lol wish I had it when I started this project.

So when I started this venture it was a huge decision between STV and langmuir crossfire XR ultimately I chose STV I got the opportunity to check out a crossfire XR yesterday boy am I glad I chose STV huge difference in quality we're talking like comparing snap-on tools to harbor freight tools so if you were on the fence of what choice you made and you bought an STV you made the right decision

Click here to visit Locks Welding & Fabrication
Mot N.
Mot N.STG Fab
Ya I’ve been running it about 3 months now. It’s a 5x5 with a hypertherm 65. Mainly cutting 14 gage signs. Call and have him log in remotely. I have the same Optimum software. He dialed mine in remotely and works awesome now. He’s really helpful and patient.
John L.
John L.Locks Welding & Fabrication ( Corbin City, New Jersey, USA )
I love this machine lol wish I had it when I started this project.

So when I started this venture it was a huge decision between STV and langmuir crossfire XR ultimately I chose STV I got the opportunity to check out a crossfire XR yesterday boy am I glad I chose STV huge difference in quality we're talking like comparing snap-on tools to harbor freight tools so if you were on the fence of what choice you made and you bought an STV you made the right decision

Click here to visit Locks Welding & Fabrication
Mitch S.
Mitch S.( Bonham, Texas, USA )
Scribing with Optimum:
Thank you, it works awesome. Super simple. I turned off the arc in setting, turned kerf to 0 and turned off lead in. Works great.

Click here to visit The Smith Ranch

Optimum CNC for Router Tables

Brandon A.
Brandon A.B. Allen Designs ( Edmond, Oklahoma, USA )
My first trade show display using my machine! It's so easy to use. Thanks STV!

STVR10 Pro starting to pay for itself. Going to do some upgrades to it soon. I cut ACM and acrylic like butter.

STV is making it possible! Much more to come. #Work Just pushing new limits each week on my STVR10 Pro

HDU & Acrylic letters ready for paint. Cutting has been a task and so much to consider. Couple re-cuts but overall the STV R10 Pro did pretty well. Definitely need to fix my dust collection situation before the next build.

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Eric D.
Eric D.The Smokin' Chisel ( Bryan, Texas, USA )
You could put it on casters, however, if you are I would do the casters that can be bolted to the side and that can lift and lower. I say that because with casters you are making the POC much smaller and when the head is moving it will shake the machine. Yes the racks are low and on the sides, no chance of hitting them or them getting in the way. With the levelers and the doubled up spoilboard I'm sitting at 35 inches off the floor. You could shorten the legs but that would require some metal fabrication, but could be done. I looked at the Avid, Laguna, Probot, Grizzly, and several Chinese made but this one fit my needs more than any if the others, especially with the steel base. I also watched the bookface marketplace to see if there were any descent used units out there, a few came up but most were solid frame which wouldn't work for me. Good luck and let me know if you have any other question.

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Michael M.
Michael M.Express Dek ( Key Largo, Florida, USA )
This was a 50ft Pontoon boat we did, took 5 days of cutting, 40 sheets of 40x80. This was a learning curve for us and we were able to gain so much knowledge on this job that helped cut our time frames almost in half! The STV R8 has really worked well for us and couldn't be happier.

Been a while since I've posted. Running some Burch wood as a spoil board, so far temperature changes, humidity changes, have not affected the surface. No vacuum table just running a 1/32" double sided tape to hold down the material we cut. Working like a charm. Here is some of the work we have done this past week

Thank you! I can't wait to start sharing some epic productions for you all! Customer service and experience has been excellent.

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